서브 컨텐츠
About the Department of Industrial Design
The Department of Industrial Design has an effective and diverse education system that perfectly harmonizes theoretical education from the history of design, trends in modern design, to the outlook on future design, and practical education, including the understanding and application of design processors, and necessary training for creation and production of design, to develop superior design professionals. The Department of Industrial Design expands and operates educational facilities and equipment to achieve harmonious implementation of on-site training and theoretical education considering the characteristics of design along with properly configured curriculum. Together with the enthusiasm for industrial design of our professors and students with excellent research careers in Korea and overseas, the Department of Industrial Design is standing out while winning many awards through various competitions and exhibitions. Due to the benefits of the department, most graduates have been recognized as industrial designers in companies and other industries. They are expected to be leaders who have both personality and talent as pivotal roles in the future industrial design of Korea needed in modern society
Department Administration Office
- Location: College of Art and Design Building No. 308
- Phone: +8231-201-2644
- Email: art2644@khu.ac.kr
Educational Objectives
- The educational goal of this department is to create the overall elements of the human environment, including objects and products that are more comfortable, beautiful, functional and safe, based on a process with human focus. In addition, the core of education is to foster creative thinking, aesthetic formative ability and scientific analytical skill. For this process, the Product Design Laboratory, Environmental Design Laboratory, Exhibition Environmental Design Laboratory, Sensitivity Interaction Design Laboratory, and UX Design Laboratory are specialized to develop creative talents.
Activities and Careers
- Transportation Design: Automotive research institutes, including Hyundai, Kia, Daewoo
- Product Design: Company research institutes, including Samsung, LG, Dongbu, Daewoo
- Environmental Design: Design companies, government-related public corporations, etc.
- Exhibition Design: Exhibition planning companies, including SIGONGTECH Co., Ltd., Oktokki Imagineering
- Others: Government-funded research institutes and public corporations, KIST, Korea Testing Laboratory, etc.
Departmental Specialization
- Specialized in product design, UX, service, sensitivity interaction design, transportation design, exhibition design and environmental design