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Department/Major Introduction

Department of Textile and Clothing Design


서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

About the Department of Textile and Clothing Design

Since its establishment in 1999, the Department of Textile and Clothing Design has been teaching general content about clothing design, which covers textiles, fashion design, pattern making, fashion marketing and coordinating design. In addition, a number of students participate in internships through the industry-university-institute exchange every year to enhance their practical skills. During vacation, more and more students are receiving major training at the University of Leeds in the U.K., FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) in the U.S.A., ESMOD (Ecole Superieure des Arts el Techniques el la Mode) in France, Parsons School of Design in the U.S.A. and Bunka Fashion College in Japan with support from the university.

Department Administration Office

  • Location: College of Art and Design Building No. 617
  • Phone: +82-31-201-2053
  • Email: art2053@khu.ac.kr

Educational Objectives

  • To foster textile designers, fashion designers and home furnishing designers with differentiated competitiveness in Korea through the harmonious meeting of engineering and art by combining textile technology and the arts
  • To develop more practical and deeper total design capacity by teaching fashion design and home furnishing design while focusing on textile design
  • To produce fashion marketers and merchandisers through education on marketing, trading and material planning

Activities and Careers

  • Clothing design-related fields, including fashion designers, textile designers, textile converters, Korean apparel brand fashion merchandisers (clothing manufacturers and department store MD), costume designers, interior designers, stylists, and fashion coordinators
  • MR or buying agents of textile and clothing trading companies, or clothing trading companies, etc.
  • Stylists, fashion coordinators, costume professionals, promotion companies, interior design companies
  • Clothing critics, fashion magazine editors and fashion critics
  • Textile and fashion magazine reporters, researchers at textile and fashion institutes, textile and clothing-related information centers
  • Lecturers and professors at universities and fashion education organizations
  • Secondary school teachers
  • College of Art and Design, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • TEL. 031)201 - 2672 ~ 4
  • FAX. 031)204 - 8127

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