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Department/Major Introduction

Department of Visual Design


서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

About the Department of Visual Design

The Department of Visual Information Design has a goal to foster design talents that modern society requires, and helps students improve effective design sensitivity through a new system and educational methods. Students can improve their possibilities of expression and the ability to create. They will also learn various techniques of visual representation.

Department Administration Office

  • Location: College of Art and Design Building No. 407
  • Phone: +82-31-201-2051
  • FAX: +82-31-204-2052
  • Email: art2051@khu.ac.kr

Educational Objectives

  • Most of the design work can be made with a visual approach. Therefore, the Department of Visual Information Design handles everything from basic areas that are applied to all design activities, to a variety of in-depth artwork in two-dimensional design. It educates to not only foster capacity of various expressions and formative sense, but also to develop the ability to show its functions over various fields.

Activities and Careers

  • Visual design-related national agencies, public organizations, conglomerate PR and design teams, companies specializing in design, publishing companies, video (film, TV CM)-related directors, freelance designers, illustrators, professors, etc.

Departmental Specialization

  • Established specialization strategies to globalize the department through exchange with the leading universities in the world, hold university and industry linkage activities, and volunteer (design talent sharing activities) via design.
  • College of Art and Design, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • TEL. 031)201 - 2672 ~ 4
  • FAX. 031)204 - 8127

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