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Department/Major Introduction

Art&Technology Convergence Major


서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

About the Art & Technology Convergence Major

We aim to provide a new form of creative convergence education that can create synergy effects by incorporating cutting-edge technologies into the cultural and artistic fields, including design, media, and services .

Educational Objectives

  • Talents who transcend boundaries
    We aim to provide education that can innovatively combine culture, artistic sensibility, and cutting-edge technology through a convergence major that transcends the boundaries of traditional academic fields such as art and engineering, and further expand the cultural industry based on creative ideas and enhance the value of our lives.
  • Infinite career paths
    After graduation, career paths include cultural industries based on creative research, fields that combine art and design with cutting-edge technology, new media art and new media content, the entertainment industry, and future industries newly created by the 4th Industrial Revolution.

How to enter

  • Applications for a single major or double major are limited to students who have registered for at least two semesters and are currently enrolled at the time of application.
  • Only students belonging to the main and participating departments are eligible to apply for the 1st major, and those who have completed more than 5 semesters are not eligible to apply.
  • Applications for a single major can be made through a separate application period before course registration, and applications for a multiple major can be made during the regular multiple major application period.
  • Both single majors and double majors require consultation and approval from the interdisciplinary major advisor.
  • College of Art and Design, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • TEL. 031)201 - 2672 ~ 4
  • FAX. 031)204 - 8127

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