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Department/Major Introduction

K-performing Arts Convergence Major


서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

About the K-performing Arts Convergence Major

We foster multi-entertainers based on the creativity of the Korean Wave .

New media platforms have spread around the world, and the entertainment industry has been reorganized into an integrated structure that transcends genre boundaries . Accordingly , entertainers who are not bound by boundaries and who can perform in all directions in various fields such as acting, popular music, entertainment, and YouTube are being demanded. The K-Performing Arts Convergence Major aims to foster multi-entertainers who will lead the popular arts field in response to these demands of the times, thereby contributing to the continuous growth of the Korean Wave and the creation of new added value.

Educational Objectives

  • Training multi-entertainers
    We nurture popular artists who will be active in a wide range of fields, including K-Pop, acting, dance, and new media creation.
  • Leading the future entertainment industry
    We lead the future entertainment industry by producing creative content without being restricted by boundaries in various fields such as acting, pop music, entertainment, and YouTube.
  • Korean Wave content creation
    By creating and performing world-class popular culture content, we lead the next generation of Korean Wave and promote the development of global popular culture.

How to enter

  • Applications for a single major or double major are limited to students who have registered for at least two semesters and are currently enrolled at the time of application.
  • Only students belonging to the main and participating departments are eligible to apply for the 1st major, and those who have completed more than 5 semesters are not eligible to apply.
  • Applications for a single major can be made through a separate application period before course registration, and applications for a multiple major can be made during the regular multiple major application period.
  • Both single majors and double majors require consultation and approval from the interdisciplinary major advisor.
  • College of Art and Design, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • TEL. 031)201 - 2672 ~ 4
  • FAX. 031)204 - 8127

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