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Department/Major Introduction

Department of Digital Contents


서브 컨텐츠

서브 컨텐츠

About the Department of Digital Contents

The Department of Digital Contents explores new possibilities and expands the area of information and communication in the digital era, which is combined with computers, digital images, publishing, broadcasting, gaming, and the video industry, through research on planning, directing, various visual expressions, design and distribution of digital games, digital video and animation in a multimedia format. To achieve this, the Department of Digital Contents runs both theoretical research and provides practical experience with the understanding of the concept and industry of content, planning through industrial-educational cooperation, directing and scenario, design, sound, programming and marketing processes.

Department Administration Office

  • Location: College of Art and Design Building No. 707
  • Phone: +82-31-201-2052
  • Email: art2052@khu.ac.kr

Educational Objectives

  • The Department of Digital Contents has the goal of nurturing professionals to lead the high-tech digital entertainment industry. In other words, the department seeks harmony with traditional and new media with a focus on cultural content, and fosters design ability to implement artistry and practicality at the same time through creative ideas.

Activities and Careers

  • The Department of Digital Contents teaches a variety of fields, including digital animation, film special effects, video editing, scenario creation, game scenario creation, game planning, game design, game programming, web design, multimedia content design, multimedia content planning, advertising, and cultural content criticism. After graduation, students enter very diverse industries, and receive numerous employment opportunities. In addition, the Department of Digital Contents emphasizes the development of the ability to plan, which is lacking in the design industry in Korea. Through a close relationship between academy and industry, the department strives to lead creative ideas and convert scientific thinking into practical use.

Departmental Specialization

  • The Department of Digital Digital Contents includes majors such as animation, digital video, gaming and multimedia content. Students can autonomously create their own major characteristics by combining and crossing over the studies mentioned above (there are no required major courses).

    In addition, the department emphasizes realism and substantiality of classes, and furthermore develops industry-university-institute cooperation projects through customized classes. However, the department focuses on the basics for students in lower grades to master basic sense and planning above all. E.g. Game animation, TV commercials, special effects creation, online games, online video CF, etc.
  • College of Art and Design, Kyung Hee University, 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
  • TEL. 031)201 - 2672 ~ 4
  • FAX. 031)204 - 8127

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